Monday, June 25, 2012

3 month mini photo shoot!

I was so excited that he was able to hold his head up and chest off the floor/ bed I had to take a mini photo shoot! I look at these pictures now and he is so bald. Sadly then I didn't think he was that bald. lol

One month photo shot

Here are some of pictures Sam took a few days after bentley turned one month. I can't believe how little he was. I also miss him cuddling with me.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pictures of Bentley- first days home

Bentley loves to sleep:)

First day home

Bentley was finally able to go home on August 27th. That was a great day, I couldn't believe how long it took to check out of the hospital. It felt like it took ALL day. Brad and I were just so excited to take Bentley home, and finally feel like a little family.

This is bentley in his outfit to go home!

First bath

In the 3 1/2 weeks we were at the hospital Bentley got his birth! It was fun, and we were lucky that Brad was able to be there for it, and able to help me! From the very beginning bentley has loved his baths!

Spending time in the hospital

When Bentley was born, his lungs weren't fully developed so he had to spend time in the NICU for that, and they he had a few other things happen while he as in the NICU. When he was one day old he was exposed to the chicken pox, and his doctor wanted to keep an eye on him for a few days. And he also was having a real hard time figuring out how to eat, he also has having a problem with his belly ribbon levels were to low It took about 3 1/2 weeks for him to be able to come home.